Eight Good Actors Hollywood Doesn’t Know What To Do With


Hollywood can be a very harsh mistress. Sometimes it smiles upon actors who can barely act, and sometimes it forces good actors into crappy roles, again and again. It’s always frustrating to see an actor or actress who can clearly work wonders on camera get shoehorned into mindless claptrap, underwritten action movies, or genres that don’t seem to be doing them any favors. And it’s time to do something about it.

We here at CraveOnline have put together eight of our favorite actors who, like Get Hard‘s Kevin Hart, can’t seem to catch a break. They’ve done good work in the past – as we’ll show you below – but for the most part they seem stuck in generic roles in forgettable films. Hollywood either doesn’t play to their strengths or hasn’t figured out what those strengths are yet. Or maybe the film industry just can’t imagine these actors outside of familiar box, and hasn’t figured out that it’s the box that’s posing the biggest problem.


Related: Kevin Hart & Ice Cube Guest Star on CraveOnline’s B-Movies Podcast


In any case, these damned good actors deserve better. And it’s just a small sampling. Everyone has at least a few actors they think deserve better roles. What are some of yours?


Eight Good Actors Hollywood Doesn’t Know What To Do With:


William Bibbiani is the editor of CraveOnline’s Film Channel and the host of The B-Movies Podcast and The Blue Movies Podcast. Follow him on Twitter at @WilliamBibbiani.

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