You Can Live Anywhere in the World in This Solar-Powered Ecocapsule

Have you ever thought about giving up the rat race and escaping to somewhere far from out of the reach of any of your fellow humans? If you haven’t, you’re either lying or you’ve lived a remarkably stress-free life and the rest of us hate you for it. Even the most charismatic of social butterflies have had at least one incredibly tough day that’s almost pushed them over the edge, leading them to reconsider their life spent chasing after those elusive dollar signs in favor of living in the mountains with only Mother Nature for company.

Fortunately, the Ecocapsule from manufacturers Nine Architects will allow you to do just that. The self-sustaining micro-home measures in at just 4.5 meters in length, 2.4 meters in width, and 2.5 meters in height, with a weight of 1500 kg, and along with offering an ideal method of getting away from it all, it also has several other applications from an independent research station to a tourist lodge.

Inside the Ecocapsule is a bed, toilet and shower, with a small kitchen enabling its inhabitant (or inhabitants, as it can house up to two people) to cook hot meals. Though on the outside it looks a little like a tin can, on the inside its modern design makes it far more visually appealing (if a bit cramped, though that’s to be expected).

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It generates its energy using a high capacity solar-powered battery and its own wind turbine, with it also filtering rainwater and dew in order to provide its own source of water.

Its self sufficiency will mean that owners of the Ecocapsule will effectively be able to live off the grid, transporting their new home anywhere around the world and living off the land.

It’s also ideal if you have plentiful amounts of disposable income and want to plan an elaborate camping trip for all of your upper-class friends.

Nine Architects are looking to take pre-orders for the Ecocapsule later this year, with the first models going on sale at the beginning of 2016. 

Learn more about the Ecocapsule here.

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