The BBC is Rebooting Robot Wars and Everyone Has Lost Their Minds

After being absent from TV for over a decade, the BBC is finally set to reboot Robot Wars in a brand new series that promises to be even more explosive than its original incarnation.

Robot Wars ran on BBC Two from 1998 to 2004, pitting homemade robots developed by families across the UK against one another, alongside a selection of “House Robots” including Matilda, Dead Metal and the fearsome Sir Killalot. The show was well-known for basically being the most exciting thing a kid could watch on the TV in the late ’90s/early ’00s, and spawned an incredibly successful line of merchandise.

The new show will be filmed in a purpose-built arena in Glasgow, which will see the addition of bulletproof glass lining the battlefield, suggesting that this will be a far more dangerous series than before. It will also feature state-of-the-art cameras, according to the BBC, that are “capable of capturing every crushing, sawing and scorching moment in incredible detail.”

During the course of Robot Wars‘ run it featured a variety of presenters including Jeremy Clarkson and Philippa Forrester, though actor Craig Charles’ stint was perhaps the most well-known given that he took the helm of the show in its first series. The BBC hasn’t confirmed who will host it this time around. The show spawned spin-offs worldwide.

Mentorn Scotland has been commissioned by the BBC to produce the new series, with Chris Brogden, the Creative Director of Entertainment at the production group’s parent company Tinopolis, saying of the upcoming show: “Bringing back Robot Wars to our screens is hugely exciting. Its return will see new and improved robots, with extraordinary innovation and power in these updated machines – it promises to be quite the competition.”

We just hope to see Hypno-Disc and Chaos 2 again.

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