Watch John Oliver’s Epic Takedown of Donald Trump

For many people, the prospect of a Donald Trump Presidency is quite frightening…and it’s becoming a very real possibility, especially if Trump comes away the big winner out of this Tuesday’s Republican primaries.

While numerous comedians and political analysts have attempted to explain that case against Trump, HBO’s John Oliver may have dropped the mic during Sunday’s installment of Last Week Tonight. As Oliver puts it, “Donald Trump is America’s back mole. It may have seemed harmless a year ago, but now that it’s become frighteningly bigger, it’s no longer wise to ignore it.”

For over twenty minutes, Oliver tore into all things Donald Trump and looked back his history of turning himself into a successful brand…that has numerous failures attached to it. Oliver noted Trump’s ever-changing positions and pointed out why that’s a huge problem.

“A candidate for president needs a coherent set of policies,” explained Oliver. “Whatever you think about Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, at least you basically know where they stand, but Trump’s opinions have been wildly inconsistent. He’s been pro choice and pro life; he’s been for and against assault weapon bans; in favor of both bringing in Syrian refugees and deporting them out of the country.”

Trump has struck a very real chord with a segment of voters who hang on his every word and believe that he “tells it like it is.” But does he really? The evidence appears to suggest otherwise.

For Australian viewers:


Our main story was about Donald Trump. We can’t believe we’re saying that either.

Posted by Last Week Tonight with John Oliver on Sunday, 28 February 2016

To close out his brilliant takedown of the Donald, Oliver brought up the fact that the Trump family name was once Drumpf, a decidedly less appealing brand name. Therefore, Oliver is urging America to “Make Donald Drumpf Again” with a new viral campaign that includes an official website:

What did you think about Oliver’s new Trump video? Let us know in the comment section below!

Photo Credit: HBO
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