Stephen Hawking Says UK Leaving the EU Would Be a “Disaster” for Science

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Stephen Hawking has spoken out against Brexit, with him leading a letter signed by 150 fellows of the Royal Society, Britain’s leading science institution.

The letter, published by The Times, has seen the group – which features three Nobel laureates and the Astronomer Royal – speaking of the negative impact existing the European Union would have for UK science.

A portion of the letter reads:

“We now recruit many of our best researchers from continental Europe, including younger ones who have obtained EU grants and have chosen to move with them here.

If the UK leaves the EU and there is a loss of freedom of movement of scientists between the UK and Europe it will be a disaster for UK science and universities.”

They continued by stating how increased funding from Europe had benefited the UK, writing: 

“First, increased funding has raised greatly the level of European science as a whole and of the UK in particular because we have a competitive edge.

Second, we now recruit many of our best researchers from continental Europe, including younger ones who have obtained EU grants and have chosen to move with them here.”

Prime Minister David Cameron discussed the dangers of the UK leaving the EU in a speech to car workers in Cheshire today, saying: “Let’s just remember what a shock really means. It means pressure on the pound sterling.

“It means jobs being lost. It means mortgage rates might rise. It means businesses closing. It means hardworking people losing their livelihoods.”

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