House Of Cards Heap Praise On Malcolm Turnbull’s Double Dissolution “Methodology”

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm got some unexpected praise today, after the House Of Cards Twitter account replied to Turnbull’s tweet announcing he had recalled parliament. Admiring his “methodology” and quoting the political mantra of Kevin Spacey‘s Frank Underwood, the HOC Twitter account told Turnbull: “I admire your methodology, Prime Minister.  If you don’t like how the table is set, turn over the table.”

Considering Underwood is  shown to be ruthless political operator mired in corruption and more than willing to murder to achieve his political ends, Turnbull is surely not too thankful for the compliment though.

The Prime Minister announced today that he had advised the Governor-General today to recall both houses of parliament on April 18th to debate the Australian Building and Construction Commission Bill or the Registered Organisations Bill. Both bills seek to set up either the Howard government era ABCC to over see trade unions or newly formed independent union regulatory body.

“I make no apology for interrupting Senators’ seven-week break to bring them back to deal with this legislation. This is an opportunity for the Senate to do its job of legislating rather than filibustering”, said the Prime Minister.

“The go-slows and obstruction by Labor and the Greens on this key legislation must end. The Senate will have an additional three sitting weeks to deal with the ABCC and Registered Organisations legislation.

“(There is) plenty of time to pass these important laws. If the Senate fails to pass these laws, I will advise the Governor-General to dissolve both Houses of Parliament and issue writs for an election.”

One can’t help but recall the first season of House Of Cards when Spacey’s character forces a teachers strike over his duplicitous inclusion of collective bargaining restrictions for teachers unions in an education reform bill.

There are in fact a number of striking similarities between Turnbull and Underwood. Both having ousted sitting head of states after being burned by them in the past. Both were seen as not being electable by their party. Both have high powered wives that one could argue are even more capable, accomplished and integral to their partner’s success than either man.

Again though, I’m sure it’s a comparison the Prime Minister would rather not be made. But made it has been, and the internet has voiced its approval, the tweet being re-tweeted over 1,400 times at the time of writing, dwarfing Turnbull’s own post with a just over 250.

The comments have seen some lively debate as well, not to mention more than a few choice gifs too, but why don’t you check them out along with the original post here below.

Ladies and gentlemen, enjoy (knocks knuckles on table and leaves).

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