The Happy Chewbacca Mom Drives James Corden (and JJ Abrams?!) to Work

The Happy Chewbacca mom continues to do the rounds online, with her now having been invited onto The Late Late Show with James Corden along with appearing in a segment with the talk show host, as well as meeting Star Wars: The Force Awakens director JJ Abrams who made a surprise appearance in the skit. 

Candace Payne, the woman behind the “Happy Chewbacca” viral video that has since attracted over 3 million shares on Facebook, appeared on The Late Late Show in a skit in which she was tasked with driving James Corden to work, all while wearing the Chewbacca mask she has since popularized. The Chewbacca mask, which has sold out across the US since Candace’s video went viral, is then donned by both Corden and Abrams, effectively making this one of the most effective advertising campaigns in recent history despite it not actually been an official advertising campaign.

Also See: Star Wars Chewbacca Mask is Sold Out Everywhere Following “Happy Chewbacca” Viral Video

You can check out the Happy Chewbacca mom, Corden and JJ Abrams having a whale of time impersonating the fur ball below:

Candace then went on to make a personal appearance on The Late Late Show itself, being passed along a message from the original Chewbacca Peter Mayhew after watching the clip of her first meeting JJ Abrams in The Late Late Show’s parking lot.

Check it out below:

Though many are inevitably bemoaning Candace making the most of her 15 minutes of fame, it’s nice to see such a jovial person being celebrated for once, and regardless of how cynical we all are, it’s very difficult to not laugh along with a woman who just really enjoys pretending to be a happy Chewbacca.

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