Karl Pilkington on the Harambe Gorilla Shooting, Photos of His Girlfriend and Ricky Gervais

Image Credit: Shrilaine Forrest / Getty Images

Karl Pilkington appeared in an “Ask Me Anything” Q&A session on Reddit this week, fielding questions from users of the site pertaining to everything from his opinions on the places he’s travelled, through to his thoughts on current events. 

The AMA, which was conducted in order to promote Karl’s new book More Moaning: The Enlightened One Returns, saw Karl discussing his tumultuous friendship with Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant, along with finally revealing why the internet still can’t find a photograph of his long-suffering girlfriend, Suzanne. Needless to say it was pretty hilarious.

Check out his best answers below:


On his infamous boiler problems…

The boiler got on my nerves so we moved. It was the easier option.


On the worst food he’s ever eaten…

Worst food was probably that old fish I had in Japan that was 100 years old or something. I don’t think they’ve heard the phrase ‘There’s plenty more fish in the sea’ over there.


On whether or not he’s fallen out with Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant…

We ain’t fallen out but I hardly ever see either of them. Doing the podcasts used to mean we had to meet up but since we knocked them on the head we’ve just been getting on with our own things. Can’t say I’ve missed them that much though to be honest. One of the last times I saw Ricky he farted on my head so I’m not in a rush to meet with him anytime soon. Steve sent me a photo of him the other day and he’s now totally bald! Not sure if he’s ill or he’s shaved it for a part in a film.


On the huge popularity of his old XFM radio show…

I don’t get what the fuss was about.


On Harambe the gorilla being shot dead at Cincinnati Zoo…

It annoyed me that. There’s only about 700 gorillas in the world and yet there’s loads of kids.



On the potential manned mission to Mars in 2024…

You wouldn’t get me going. Too much of a change for me that one. I can’t handle it when Suzanne buys whole milk instead of semi skinned.


On a place in the world that people enjoy but he doesn’t…

Vegas. I hate everything about it. Everything it’s about and the people it attracts. The hotels are too big as well. It took about ten minutes to get from the reception of the hotel to my room. I felt like I should have offered the fella who carried my case a bed for the night it was so far.


On what he’d make a Wonder of the World…

I don’t think there should be any wonders as soon as anything becomes a wonder it tends to get ruined.


On the life lesson he’s learned that other people should know…

If you put your finger in and out of your ear it makes the sound that Pac Man makes when he’s eating.


On how to maintain a happy relationship…

Work away a lot.


On his worst experience…

Having the shits while sharing a room with five chinese fellas on a boat going down the yangtze river.


On his most memorable moment at XFM…

Probably almost choking to death when I was having grapes shoved into my mouth to see how many I could fit in. I don’t think Terry Wogan ever got to do that.


On whether he’s ever found anything weirder than Stephen Merchant…

I could do a programme about that. A search for something weirder than Steve. It would run longer than Coronation street as I don’t think there’s anything out there that is.


On what he’d like to moan about today…

Magazine racks. Get rid of em. Just a little storage area for crap.


On why no one can find a photo of his girlfriend, Suzanne…

No one wants her picture.

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