Best Movies To Watch While High A little known fact: You don't have to watch comedies while you're high.
Michael Bay Movies That Are Actually Good It's a little-known fact that Michael Bay movies are not all consisted solely from robots turning into automobiles and house…
How To Make A White Russian Like a KGB Agent There are no such things as a former KGB agent and a bad White Russian.
10 Best Rappers of All Time Ranked If you don't like our list of best rappers of all time feel free to record a diss track.
Who Are The Highest Paid Athletes in America? Touchdowns, dunks, home runs, and dollar dollar bills yall!
10 Most Iconic 1st Person Shooter Games We take a look at the most influential and beloved first person shooters. Lock and load!
Exclusive | ‘Deepwater Horizon’ Blu-ray/DVD Announcement Watch an exclusive clip that shows just how far Mark Wahlberg went to make all that danger look real.