In Review | Carmen Argote: Making Order Out of Sisterly Chaos L.A. artist Carmen Argote celebrates her sibling by making stuff inspired by her stuff.
In Review | The Finite Realities of Christopher Russell’s ‘Ersatz Infinities’ When man meets nature, no stone is left unturned.
In Review | Rodrigo Valenzuela and the Ruins of Future Past The Seattle-based artist asks what labor really means in art and work.
In Review | Amie Dicke: Redundancies, Voids and Metaphors of the ‘Real’ The artist embraces the many machinations of the fragmented self in her solo exhibition "Quote Unquote" at Anat Ebgi Gallery.
Panel | This is What Feminism 4.0 Looks Like A four-person panel discussion at LACE in Hollywood questions what feminism means in the age of Internet representation and constant…
Artist Melissa Huddleston Examines The Relationship of Art To Beauty (Products) In "The Beautician", the artist draws inspiration from the Hungarian-born Swiss inventor of the perm.
Exhibit | There’s Something Fishy Happening at the Hammer Museum The Hammer Museum presents a comprehensive collection of L.A. photography from the 1960s to the present.
In Review | Giorgio Andreotta Calò and His Venetian-Californian Dream A tale of two cities, as seen through a pinhole.