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Face it, you want kickass Thor toys, you precious nerd you! Here are some cool ones you might wanna seek…

X-Men fans have long awaited the return of Nightcrawler, but if this is what he'll be like, he should've stayed…

Celebrating Movember, the hairiest of months, with a run through the best beards, 'staches and chops in rock!

The man from Jedi Mind Tricks, Army of the Pharaohs and beyond returns with a powerful new EP.

Curious about the God of Thunder? Here are the best stories Marvel has put out about the hero of Asgard.

The relationship between Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon is explored in a good jump-on point for new readers.

Back in the day, there was only one name in superhero costumes for kids - Ben Cooper.

Neil Gaiman returns to reveal an untold tale of the Endless, with J.H. Williams III's masterful artwork.

We look back at the greatest Halloween episodes in television history!

Andy Kubert is a brilliant artist, but sadly, his dialogue doesn't live up to the strong images he illustrates.
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