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Luke Cage's Heroes For Hire have to deal with the invading hordes of Thanos, so they get a name upgrade.

Maybe getting rid of the original, complete douche version of Lobo is a good thing, after all.

There are two sides to a book called Tiger Lawyer - the funny side and the awesome side. This series…

The story about a guy whose superpower is a staggeringly large beard sounds awesome.

Pop promises rubbed in the dirt of saccharine insanity. Party!

Flash #23.1 brings us the story of the Speed Force Ape's ultimate triumph.

Action Comics #23.1 is one of the best books of the first week of DC's stunt, illustrating the new identity…

Green Arrow #23.1 actually keeps its creative team for the event, delving into what makes Count Zytle tick.

Earth 2 #15.1 shows us the creepy life of one of Darkseid's devoted followers, a mind-controlling nastyman.

Superman #23.1 gives us a look at the beloved backwards pseudo-clone of the Man of Steel.
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