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What if Superman had landed 75 years ago and done everything the American military told him to do? That's Wraith.

Jonathan Hickman and Jim Cheung know how to deliver a double issue to kick off an event book.

The long, long, long awaited battle between time-tossed Thors and God Butcher Gorr turns out to be a bore.

The long-lost lover of Death learns a harsh new truth about The Message and the impending apocalypse.

The "Zero Year" retelling of the origin of the Dark Knight hits that crucial moment of inspiration - the bat.

Indifference mixed with mindless fun doesn't often yield the best results. Such is the case with Bloc Party's latest EP…

Haunting, powerful and excellent, Chelsea Wolfe's latest offering finds the songstress hitting her strongest stride yet.

It's not writer Jeff Lemire's strongest issue, but artist Andrea Sorrentino continues to impress.

Following the seminal Frank Miller/Chris Claremont series should have made a great film. Here's why it didn't.

A few missteps aside, The Civil Wars reinvigorate our belief in a cohesive album statement.
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