Author (Page 36)

Writer/artist Lee Weeks is knocking it out of the park with this dark, personal story about Matt Murdock in a…

J. Michael Straczynski and Ben Templesmith are crafting a winner with this tale of angelic service gone wrong.

It's Independence Day, and comic books have a whole slew of star-spangled superfolks to run down.

The classic "What If?" format is lost as this book just tells a completely different and pointless "AvX" story.

Matt Fraction and Howard Chaykin show chaos and drama on the set of a live TV show

Crave's trusty metal writer steps outside his own box for a look at the ten best releases of 2013 so…

Black Dahlia Murder return with a hungry beast of an album that commands respect and pushes their own envelope.

The much-beloved scribe brings us a dark new world where rich families reign supreme.

And we're not just talking about his return, either. Seems he's got some mobility issues.

The dream team of Scott Snyder and Sean Murphy continue delivering creepy undersea mysteries.
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