More Talent Leaves Steve Jobs Biopic Regardless of the studio that's producing the film, no one can seem to hold on to any actors.
Bidding for Individually Numbered 20th Anniversary PS4 Ends at $20k The question remains: Are these buyers really forking over the crazy dough on these eBay listings?
Metal Gear Solid 4 Getting Full Digital PSN Release It'll hit the electronic storefront just before Christmas.
Christian Bale Doesn’t Think He’s a ‘Movie Star’ The actor does offer a decent explanation of his feelings.
Apparently, Lakers’ Nick Young Will Have 46k Points By 20th Season He must also be superhuman. Because that's what'll be required in order to achieve that goal.
Shia LaBeouf Prepared for Fury, But Not in Ways You Might Think Was it all method acting, or was at least some of it for real?