New Study Finds If You Watch Reality TV Odds Are You’re A Self Absorbed Narcissist The science is in. Reality TV really is destroying society
Join The 4K Strong Group Of Legends Petitioning To Get Russell Coight Back On Television "Grab your swag, let's go!"
House Of Cards Heap Praise On Malcolm Turnbull’s Double Dissolution “Methodology” "I admire your methodology, Prime Minister. If you don't like how the table is set, turn over the table."
Some Protesters Have Trashed Cory Bernardi’s Adelaide Office Emblazoning such choice slogans as "Australia's Trump" and "eat rainbow, bigot" the students were protesting Bernardi's opposition to the Safe…
Louis Theroux Announces New Shows For Australian Tour After Huge Demand It turns out Aussies love Theroux and they're beating down the doors to get tickets to these shows.
Jamie Oliver Urges Australia To “Pull Its Finger Out” And Adopt Sugar Tax Calling the tax "a profound move that will ripple around the world" Oliver has called on other countries to follow…
George Lucas Had Lunch In An Adelaide Food Court And Then Disappeared Much like the sand people of Tatooine, Lucas is easily startled
Xena To Be Openly Gay In ‘Warrior Princess’ Reboot Series Writer Javier Grillo-Marcuach confirms the reboot will make overtones of the original show's homoerotic undertones.
Matt LeBlanc In Hot Water After Filming A Burnout In Front Of A War Memorial For ‘Top Gear’ It's not a McDonald's parking lot Matt, show a bit of respect will ya?
Earl’s Juke Joint Team To Open David Lynch Themed Bar In Sydney Inspired predominantly by Twin Peaks, the new bar named Jacoby will splice Lynchian references together with Tiki style cocktails.