Today’s Funny Photos Hey, you, over there. Scrolling through your phone trying to avoid having to do anything productive. Yeah, you. Look at…
Cara Delevingne Wore A Dress To The ‘Suicide Squad’ Premiere That Made Everyone Forget About The Movie Cara Delevingne did the impossible last night — she took everyone’s attention away from the movie, “Suicide Squad.” And that…
Today’s Funny Photos Welcome to another wonderful edition of funny photos, you’re one-stop shop for all things LOLZ on the interwebz todayz. (Sorry,…
Ranking The 6 Worst Events To Try To Plan With Your Wife You love your wife. I mean you better, you vowed to spend the rest of your life with her. Still,…
Today’s Funny Photos FFFRRRIIIDDDAAAYYY! Time to party. But before you tear off into the weekend, enjoy this carefully crafted batch of funny photos.…
Today’s Funny Photos I’m sorry it’s Monday. But I’m not sorry we have another hilarious batch of funny photos to start your week.…
Today’s Funny Photos It’s that time again. Time to get crunked up on a fresh batch of TGIFunny photos. I don’t know what…
Here’s What Happens When You Put A Penny In A Cup Of Coke We’ve all seen what happens to your body one hour after you drink a can of Coke. But this revelation…