Top Shelf – October 10, 2013 Tim Tebow texts Peyton Manning, the funniest GIFs of the week, ridiculous duct tape pranks, Yolanthe Cabau and more.
Hipsters Caught On Camera Taking Food Photos For Instagram There is nothing more hipster than trying to get the perfect food photo.
Lifehackable Study Hacks Will Change How You Go to School Guaranteed to make you smarter. Or at least seem smarter.
Top Shelf – October 9, 2013 How much commercial actors make, amazing goat GIFs, the wingman reference guide, Lisa Seiffert and more.
Top Shelf – October 8, 2013 NFL roundup, Government shutdown pickup lines, people posing inappropriately with statues, Sasha Markina and more.
#GovernmentShutdownPickupLines: How To Score During A Political Chrisis Getting through this crisis with love.
You’re Home Early Meme: The Best of Animals Caught In The Act You'd be surprised what your pets are up to when you're not around.