Mandatory Hack: The Genius Shortcut For Tying a Robe So It Stays Closed, Creep Robes are great until you wanna keep it shut. Finally wear a robe in peace without exposing yourself thanks to…
Mandatory TikToks: The Most Amazing Dog Videos of the Week 3-2-22 Forget scrolling forever. We've collected all the most amazing dog videos you probably missed and compiled them all here for…
Mandatory Laughs: The Funniest Fails and Physical Comedy of the Week 3-1-22 Forget scrolling forever. We've collected the funniest TikTok fails and physical comedy of the week that you may have missed…
The Mandatory Black History Guide to the Most Influential Black People From the 14 States That Ban Critical Race Theory If you need proof that critical race theory is necessary, just check out this list of influential black people from…
Paint It Black! Our 15 Favorite Black Living Legend Artists This Black History Month, celebrate by learning more about these Black Living Legend artists that you already should know and…
Mandatory TikToks: The Most Amazing Dog Videos of the Week 2-23-22 Forget scrolling forever. We've collected all the most amazing dog videos you probably missed and compiled them all here for…
Mandatory Laughs: The Funniest Fails and Physical Comedy of the Week 2-23-22 Forget scrolling forever. We've collected the funniest TikTok fails and physical comedy of the week that you may have missed…
Mandatory Sexiest Videos of the Week 2-22-22 Looking for something visually stimulating? Well, relax, because these are the Mandatory sexiest videos of the week, and we've got…
Mandatory Hack: The Genius Shortcut For Making Sure Your Movie Theater Popcorn™ Has Enough Movie Theater Butter™ Always get enough butter on your Movie Theater Popcorn with this amazing mandatory hack that's going to make going to…