The Series Project: Air Bud (Part 1) How bad could this franchise possibly be? We watched it so you'll never have to...
FREE FILM SCHOOL #18: What is a ‘Slasher Movie,’ Anyway? Professor Witney Seibold chases you through the long history of the slasher genre, for better and worse.
FREE FILM SCHOOL #13: Mary Pickford, Mary Pickford Professor Witney Seibold takes a look back at the career of Mary Pickford, who helped change acting forever.
FREE FILM SCHOOL #12: The Mysterious 2nd Unit… Your favorite action movie director doesn't shoot the best parts of their own films. Professor Witney Seibold reveals the shocking…
FREE FILM SCHOOL #11: Rated NC-17, For Some Reason Professor Witney Seibold explains the history of movie ratings, from G to X, and the impact they've had on every movie…
FREE FILM SCHOOL #7: The Rule of Thirds Totally Rules Professor Witney Seibold explains how every single director ever - like, ever - composes their shots.
Free Film School #2: Why Cross-Cutting Kicks Ass Professor Seibold is back with a new lesson in suspense, or as film folks call it... Cross-Cutting!