DC Comics Fans Are Petitioning To Have Rotten Tomatoes Shut Down

2016 was supposed to be the year that DC Comics finally matched the hugely successful, blockbusting Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) with its own DC Extended Universe (DCEU).

However, after Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice tanked earlier this year, and early reviews of the film that was supposed to redeem this early failure Suicide Squad have been mixed at best – it’s looking like the DCEU will be relegated to the role of Marvel’s less successful cousin.

DC fans aren’t having a bar of it, and are taking up the fight to reputable movie critic site Rotten Tomatoes; making it abundantly clear that they don’t agree with its critic-driven rating of 27% for Batman V Superman and 38% for Suicide Squad. 

A group of fans has created a change.org petition to get rid of Rotten Tomatoes once and for all. “We need this site to be shut down because It’s [sic] Critics always give The DC Extended Universe movies unjust Bad Reviews,” reads the petition. “Like 1- Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice 2016 [,] 2- Suicide Squad 2016 and that Affects people’s opinion even if it’s a really great movies.”

Those who started the petition don’t quite seem to understand how Rotten Tomatoes reviewing system works basically by just summing up the total of outsourced critic reviews – and that it’s not the site itself that decides a rating. Regardless, the petition has already picked up 2389 signatures at the time of writing this article – just 111 shy of its goal of 2500.

Watch: Suicide Squad Official Final Trailer

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