Massive Sea Monster Spotted Near Antarctica Believed To Be The Kraken

Photo: vernonwiley (Getty)

The waters are so deep, and some parts are so undisturbed, that there seem to lie unknown creatures down there. One of those creatures was spotted, and is said to be the Kraken.

Using Google Earth, the creature spotted swimming off the coast of Deception Island near Antarctica is said to be over 100 feet long. But it could be even larger if the tentacles are included as well. Scott C. Waring of UFO Sightings Daily believes it to be the Kraken, or possibly the believed-to-be extinct Plesiosaurus.

Check out the video of the sighting thanks to a YouTube video posted by Wowforreeel:

Massive Sea Monster Spotted Near Antarctica Believed To Be The Kraken

Other theories include a UFO coming out of the water and, not as interestingly, just a giant whale.

What do you think this is?

h/t Daily Mail

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