Exclusive ‘Calexit’ # 1 Comic Book Store Variant Covers

It’s time for California to leave this great union behind. That’s the premise behind Black Mask Studios’ upcoming comic book series, Calexit, which finds the citizens of California attempting to secede from the United States after a demagogue is elected President. Fortunately, that could never happen in reality. Let’s just pretend that’s true for a second.

Within the world of the series. California declared itself a sanctuary state after the President tried to expel all immigrants. Naturally, the U.S. wasn’t about to let California escape so easily, and a new struggle for freedom emerged. The Calexit ongoing series begins several years later, and follows a smuggler named Jamil and Zora, a leader in the Pacific Coast Sister Cities Resistance. Together, Jamil and Zora have managed to escape from a prison camp in Los Angeles, but greater challenges await.

Calexit # 1 was written by Matteo Pizzolo and drawn by Amancay Nahuelpan. As part of the promotional push, several comic book stores have set up variant covers for the series. Today, we’re exclusively revealing those covers in addition to announcing the Calexit: Comics Change The World Tour.

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First, the covers!

Fried Pie Comics

Illustrated by Tyler Boss

Frankie’s Comics

Unknown Comics

Illustrated by Skylar Patridge

Jesse James Comics

Illustration by Amancay Nahuelpan

Rick’s Comic City

Illustration by Amancay Nahuelpan

Third Eye Comics

Illustration by Alexis Ziritt

Click over to the next page for the remaining Calexit # 1 store variants as well as the details for the Calexit: Comics Change The World Tour.

Calexit # 1 will hit comic book stores on Wednesday, July 12.

Photo Credits: All images provided by Black Mask Studios
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