Goat Wants To Enter Office So Badly He Completely Smashes The Windows

Screenshot: YouTube

What a little a-hole.

Goats are awesome, they really are. No one dislikes goats. And you will probably be a bigger fan of goats after seeing the video below. Surveillance video was able to capture the moment a moody goat walks up to the doors of an Argonics, Inc. office in Colorado and continues to ram the glass doors over and over again until they shatter. The goat does this twice.

Here’s how the office described the incident on YouTube.

“Our employees arrived at work on Monday, July 17 to find the doors smashed but nothing taken, and security camera footage showed some surprising vandals.”

Now take a look at the video below to see this crazy goat go into battle with a glass door.

Goat Wants To Enter Office So Badly He Completely Smashes The Windows

Now of course the goat had no interest in entering the office, as it probably just saw its reflection and assumed it was another goat trying to fight him. What a dumb goat. Although, I wonder if the cyclops goat would have reacted the same way in this situation.

h/t Bro Bible

Now this is pretty damn horrifying: Woman Shoots Python After She Finds It Eating One Of Her Goats (Graphic)

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