Florida Man Live-Streams Himself Being Chased By Cops On Beach While Drinking

Screenshot: Facebook

Florida always finds a way to outdo itself.

If something baffling or absurd is happening just assume that someone is getting it on camera. And Ryan Stiles decided to head to Facebook to live-stream himself mowing down chairs on the beach while drinking. Oh, and he’s being chased by cops the entire time.

The 27-year-old is shown driving at high speeds on Clearwater beach as he runs over beach chairs and somehow doesn’t hit any people. You can clearly hear the police sirens as Stiles drives wild, drinks and spews nonsense. What kind of nonsense? Stuff like “Crash parade, bro!” And “Yeah, we’re F***ing live, bro!” What a tool.

Check out the crazy video below.

Florida Man Live-Streams Himself Being Chased By Cops On Beach While Drinking

After a nine-minute chase, police eventually arrested Stiles without incident after his car apparently broke down.

“We were extremely fortunate that we didn’t lose any officers, nor did we lose any civilians,”Deputy Police Chief Donald Hall said. “If you go to the beach at any time it can be very populated.”

Here’s to you, Florida.

h/t COED

Now look at this: Florida Drug Dealer Flaunts Cash On Facebook Live, Gets Raided By Police On Facebook Live

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