Uber Driver Caught By Passenger Receiving Oral Sex From Woman (NSFW)

Screenshot: Facebook/Aner Manuel

Let’s be honest, Uber hasn’t had a good year at all and more people are switching over to their rivals Lyft. But when Uber drivers aren’t driving passengers from Chicago to New York accidentally, they are apparently receiving oral sex while driving a passenger around. Well, at least the latter is what happened to one passenger.

Aner Manuel, of Boston, found himself in the backseat of an Uber — an Uber whose driver was getting oral sex from a lady — who may or may not have been a prostitute. Manual took it to the company’s Facebook to describe the incident. Take a look at what occurred according to Manual.

“On Sunday July 16th I received the most dangerous and inappropriate uber ride ever. As I approached my uber, I noticed there was a passenger in the front seat. I double checked to make sure I didn’t select UberPool, and then approached the car. I assumed it may have been a family member of some sort. As we pulled off the female in the front (who was clearly on drugs) attempted to open the door and could not even sit straight as the vehicle was in motion. She then began to grope him and grab him. They began to kiss and she began loosening his belt. As we got further and further from my pickup location I had no idea where I was, so I had to stay in the car. She then proceeded to perform oral sex. This was my last straw. I asked the driver to drop me off. Since I’ve contacted uber and they refunded me for trip and gave me a “$10 credit”. They’ve seen this video and are still “investigating”. They have been extremely bad at answering any messages I’ve sent, and I demand something gets done. This is not okay!”

And now take a look at the NSFW video below thanks to LiveLeak — video that Manuel was able to capture from the backseat before being asked to be dropped off.

Now that Uber has suspended the driver here’s what a spokesperson for the company had to say:

“The behavior of this former driver is appalling and is not tolerated on the Uber app. As soon as this situation was reported to us, we immediately removed this driver’s access.”

Now that he’s suspended, think about how much more time the driver has to get some mouth-loving.

h/t NY Post

Now give this a look: NSFW: NYC Uber Rider Threatens Driver, Falsely Accuses Him Of Rape

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