German Man Walks 40 Meters While Carrying A World-Record 29 Full Beer Steins

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Mmmmm. Beer.

Odds are you best recognize the name Oliver Struempfel from the phrase, “Who in the hell is Oliver Struempfel?” Well, he’s the German dude who set the world record for most full beer steins carried at one time over the weekend when he picked up…wait for it…29 beer steins, carried them 40 meters and then set them down on a table while hundreds of other krauts at the Gillamoos Fair in Abensberg looked on.

Check out this panty-wrecking maneuver:


When he’s not setting world records by carrying 154 pounds worth of brewskis, Struempfel spends his time making sure you’re not cheating on your taxes. And call me crazy, but I would think if a guy who can carry 29 full beer steins 40 meters without dropping them knocks on your door to make sure your taxes are in order, you better sure as shit make sure they are.

I mean, this guy wasn’t even satisfied with 29, as he reportedly went back for an encore and threw two more glasses on the pile. Sadly, one stein fell to the ground and another lost more than 10 percent of its suds, so the record of 29 will still stand. Well, at least for now.

h/t UPI

More crazy records: Unusual Facts | The Weirdest World Records Ever Achieved

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