Kelly Clarkson’s New CD Sucks

After working on her new album for the past 18 months, Kelly Clarkson was excited to show off her new songs to Sony BMG boss Clive Davis. Um, not really sure how to sugarcoat this:.

Clive was absolutely merciless in his criticism of Kelly. She’s one of the biggest priorities on the label and her new songs were savaged.”…The American Idol winner…has reportedly gone back to the studio to work on new tracks.”

Aw, poor Kelly. I wonder what could’ve happened? Maybe Clive realized she’s famous because she won a talent show and all her songs are about some guy who dumped her ass and how he’ll never be able to live without her. Yeah, I’ll remember that the next time I date a five foot blob with a training bra. She’ll be mine forever!

Apparently, this is the video for her new single, Never Again. I liked it the first time it was called You Oughta Know:

Beautiful, hot, gorgeous:


Update: RCA is calling bullshit on that story…

RCA SUPPORTS KELLY: Despite rumor-mongering from the U.K. Daily Star and other online sources, there is no dispute between Kelly Clarkson and the RCA Music Group. These rumors began after the SBMG International meetings in Las Vegas a couple of weeks back and were based on an inaccurate report about Clive Davis’ presentation of Kelly’s new LP at the confab. Sources who were there insist the chatter is not true. In fact, Davis specifically stated that Kelly is “one of the top four artists at Sony BMG” and wanted to ensure that she is treated as such. There are absolutely no plans to scrap the LP. Meanwhile, Richard Palmese’s promo team is working round the clock to deliver Kelly’s first single, “Never Again,” to trigger the release of what all are convinced is a chart-topping album. (5/4p)”

But it was fun while it lasted.


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