Sophie Monk is Single

Australian actress/model Sophie Monk has reportedly split from her fiance of one year, Good Charlotte wanksta, Benji Madden. The Daily Telegraph reports:

Speculation the couple were having problems first surfaced when Monk canceled a scheduled appearance at Carols by Candlelight, citing “family reasons”. Yesterday, Monk’s father was reluctant to comment on his daughter’s single status, when contacted at the family’s Gold Coast home by our Brisbane colleagues. “There’s nothing to say and I’m best to say nothing. You’re best to talk to her manager,” her dad Andrew said.”

There’s no telling what her manager might say. Probably that Sophie Monk woke up one day and realized she was engaged to Benji Madden. That couldn’t have been good. The last thing to have the name “Benji” was a homeless dog. In his defense, the homeless dog did rescue kidnapped kids. I’m not really sure what Madden does. That is of course if “has queerest rock song on the radio” isn’t on his tax form. If it is, hey dude, my bad.

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