Joanna Pacitti is Living the Dream

The 8th season of American Idol continued their auditions in Louisville last night, and one of the best singers so far, 24-year old Joanna Pacitti from Los Angeles, was unanimously chosen to move on to Hollywood to compete in the next round. Kara DioGuardi, the new AI judge, immediately recognized her and said she was “signed by A&M”. What Kara DioGuardi didn’t go on to say was that Joanna Pacitti was signed by A&M Records at the age of 16. Or that her debut album was released in 2006. Or that she’s appeared on Good Morning America and MTV. Or that she’s appeared on the soundtracks of Legally Blonde and Bratz. Or that she’s friends with Fergie. Now she’s on American Idol. I don’t want to be an asshole here, but if someone could draw a picture of her career, it would be a burning plane flying into a mountain. Her auditioning for a karaoke contest is like David Tua trying to make a comeback by boxing kangaroos at the fair.

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