Kong Kardashian’s plan to trick a rich NBA player into marrying her then divorcing him and taking half of his money under California’s retarded no-fault divorce law has been shattered today. Well, that’s because Lamar Odom’s lawyer has made sure that when they get divorced, all Kong is gonna get is a parting gift and some cab fare. TMZ reports:

We’ve learned Lamar Odom has already met with his lawyer to hash out a prenup before making his wedding to Khloe Kardashian official. We’ve learned Odom went to the Beverly Hills law office of divorce-guru Neal Hersh last Friday to hash out the terms. Hersh won’t return our call, but Odom’s people tell us “Lamar has a set of balls” — translation, he’s not giving Khloe half of anything. We’re told Lamar wants to make sure the money and other assets he brings into the marriage are solely his. Beyond that, we’re told Lamar ain’t giving Khloe half of his earnings going forward

I’m surprised woodland creatures aren’t singing about true love’s first kiss and magical brooms aren’t coming to life to clean the marital suite, because this is obviously some sort of romantic fairytale.

Your thoughts, Mr. Wonka?

Kim Kardashian pumping gas:

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