Matthew Fox Is Suing The Woman He Punched In The Vagina

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I prefer to punch on top of the head. No bruises, you see. TMZ reports:

Matthew Fox is striking back — not in the vagina, in court — claiming the woman who accused him of punching her in her private parts is a blatant liar. Fox is countersuing Heather Bormann, who filed her own lawsuit in September, claiming a drunken Fox tried to board a party bus she was driving in Cleveland, Ohio. Bormann alleged Fox attacked her after she ordered him to stay off the bus. That’s when Bormann claims Fox struck her in the breast, arm, leg and, of course, the vagina. Fox alleges in his countersuit … she’s just lying, and in reality he didn’t provoke her but she’s the one who physically attacked him. Fox claims he’s lost work because TMZ and other media outlets have reported her lawsuit, and she has subjected him to “public hatred, contempt, ridicule and shame.” Fox is suing for unspecified damages.

I’m all about punching vaginas, but you should never do so out of anger. You should take your time, listen to what the vagina has to say. My penis is very small so I usually have to do a lot of talking beforehand.

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