Whitney Houston Predicted Her Own Death

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TMZ reports:

Whitney Houston told friends she “really wanted to see Jesus” in the days before her death … and claimed she had a feeling the end was near for her … Whitney had been very spiritual in her final days … quoting the bible, singing hymns and engaging in intense conversations about Jesus Christ and the afterlife with her close friends and family members. We’re told …. on Friday , one day after she performed, “Yes Jesus Loves Me” at Tru nightclub in Hollywood, Whitney told one of her friends, “I’m gonna go see Jesus … I want to see Jesus.” The next morning, hours before her death, Whitney was discussing a bible passage involving John the Baptist and Jesus … when Houston flashed a big smile and remarked, “You know, he’s so cool … I really want to see that Jesus.” Another source tells us … Whitney had been telling friends she “felt like her time was coming” … and wanted to make sure she spent her time praising her lord and savior whenever she could.

Of course Jesus seems cool to an addict, the guy turned water into wine, just like Allah is awesome to fans of action movies and not showering. But I’m pretty sure science, not spirituality, would predict what happens when you mix booze and almost entire bottles of sedatives.

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