Bobbi Kristina Got High After Whitney’s Funeral

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Bobbi Kristina Brown got high after her mom’s funeral on Saturday. Radar Online reports:

Her mother’s highly emotional funeral was just too much for Bobbi Kristina Brown. Following the event, she “disappeared” for a time and was found “using drugs,” two sources have told The Daily Beast. Her family didn’t find her until Sunday morning, just before they were to leave for Whitney’s burial, the sources added. “Everyone was freaking out and calling Bobbi Kristina’s cell,” one source, a longtime family friend told The Daily Beast, the website for Newsweek magazine. “It was so much commotion and activity after the funeral that Bobbi Kristina just slipped away. Ms. Cissy was beside herself.” Cissy and others won’t admit out loud that Bobbi Kristina “has a drug problem,” said the friend. “But they know it and have been trying to keep her straight even before Whitney passed. But losing your mother and the life you’re accustomed to all in one day is enough to send anybody off the deep end.”

Dude, seriously? Exactly how are these people “trying to keep her straight?” She was photographed doing lines less than a year ago and hospitalized for mixing booze, pills, and a bathtub before her mom died from doing the same thing. She was then hospitalized twice since her mom died for mixing booze with sedatives that someone close to her gave her. Bobbi Kristina is technically an adult and thus needs to be held accountable for her own decisions, but considering she was raised to see mixing coke, alcohol, and Xanax as normal, maybe it’s time to get over ourselves and admit out loud that she has a drug problem. If this girl doesn’t go to rehab soon, the next time she disappears might get her acquainted with Lindsay Lohan and her pals she met doing community service.

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