The Nurse Who Got Pranked Hanged Herself After She Wrote Three Suicide Notes

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“‘Jacintha Saldanha’? Never heard of her. Do you like my hair? I married my cousin. Bob’s your uncle. Fish and chips. Chimney Sweep. The moors and other English things.”

Jacintha Saldanha, the 46-year old nurse at London’s King Edward VII Hospital who had the misfortune of answering the phone when two Australian DJs called, comitted suicide by hanging herself with a scarf Coroner’s Officer Lynda Martindill has confirmed(?). Well, I guess that’s a wrap! TMZ reports:

The nurse in the Kate Middleton prank call scandal hanged herself with a scarf … and left multiple suicide notes … this according to officials in the U.K.. The London coroner handling the case told the court … the body of Jacintha Saldanha was discovered by colleagues at her hospital living quarters, hanging from a wardrobe door. The coroner says Saldanha had also suffered “some injuries to her wrist.” Officials also say the nurse left behind 3 notes … two discovered near her body … and one near her belongings. The contents of the notes have not been revealed to the media. Saldanha was humiliated on a global scale in a radio prank carried out by 2 Australian DJs … who pretended to be the Queen of England. Saldanha bought their act and connected them to a nurse who was treating Kate Middleton.

DJs Mel Greig and Michael Christian of 2Day FM have been suspended and their radio show has been canceled, but some people now want these two tried for murder. Yes, because that will bring her back and completely solve King Edward VII Hospital’s issues with patient confidentiality. What we should be asking is why somebody would kill themselves two days after being the victim of a prank phone call? In America, this would be on MTV and the nurse would call her friends after work on the way to Wal-Mart to tell them to set their DVRs.

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