Ex-Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer Bought The Clippers For $2B


“Now hear me out on this…’The Los Angeles Cliparts”’


Yay! Billionaire white dudes ftw.

Steve Ballmer won the bidding war to buy the Clippers for $2 billion, although other NBA owners and possibly Donald Sterling must still approve any sale. But Ballmer clearly has the money to buy the team — he amassed his fortune as a longtime executive of software giant Microsoft Corp. Forbes estimates Ballmer’s net worth totals $20 billion, mainly because of the Microsoft stock he owns, ranking him 35th among the world’s billionaires This isn’t the first time Ballmer has pursued an NBA franchise.

Steve Ballmer has tried twice before to buy an NBA franchise, one time he tried to buy the Milawukee Bucks, so it’s pretty clear that he really, really wants to own an NBA team, and it doesn’t particulary matter which one. The $2B he paid for the Los Angeles Clippers is almost FOUR TIMES more that the previous record NBA purchase price. I could sit here and say that’s a bad business decision, but I pretty much do the same thing at Starbucks everyday,

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