Mandatory Moments weekly highlights

Mandatory Moments: Weekly Highlights 3-1-2019

Photo: Tony Garcia (Getty Images)

Another week comes to a close, taking with it the month of February. But before we turn our attention to the not-so-distant glimmer of spring (sensing that the biting grip of winter is beginning to loosen), let’s take a look back on the highlights of the week we just survived. Weed had some major victories as the global medical community finally realized what we casual dabbers and stoners alike have known since day one: cannabis can be really good for you. Meanwhile, the great GSP announced his retirement, while Jordan Peele showed us signs that he is just getting started. And everything is heating up under the glow of hot-cocktails and apps for your dog as you prepare for another glorious weekend ahead and the start of beloved March.

Here are the Mandatory Moments of the week. Let the good times roll!

Mix it up: 7 Classic Cocktails Every Self-Respecting Adult Should Know

Girls girls girls: The Next Big Biopic: Netflix Gives Us the ‘Dirt’ On Mötley Crüe

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