Remember when weed was frowned upon? Considered a vice upon which only long-haired freaks, wasters, and musicians slung their bodies in red-eyed repose? Well, not anymore. As the truth comes out about pot (everyone smokes it), and the medicinal benefits of the ancient flower are revealed in stunning clarity, cannabis is stepping into the big leagues. But even as it enjoys newfound glory in the spotlight, there’s still a major stigma ruining its rep in the workplace (for now). While many people continue to think of cannabis as a tambourine-man time-suck, recent evidence suggests certain dosages of CBD can actually enhance wellness and focus. Change the conversation in the workplace with these seven amazing weed products that are taking unrepentant professionalism to new heights.
Photo: via The Suburban
Sex and Cannabis: An Enthusiast’s Guide to Enjoying Just the Right Amount of Each Together
7 Gourmet Weed Recipes To Get Your Dinner Guests Lifted
beam Tincture
Started by two former professional athletes whose careers were cut short by injuries, this CBD-centric company offers a small variety of healthful products to help you heal and get back in the game. From CBD-infused protein bars to a soothing body rub and daily tincture, this full-spectrum offering (without a drop of THC included) will get you feeling stronger and playing longer than you have in years.
Photo: beam
Buddha Bean Coffee
Revive your daily grind with this CDB coffee based in Los Angeles. Offering top-shelf beans from Mexico, Colombia, and Ethiopia, the flavor profiles alone will make your taste buds swoon. Add in the non-GMO, 100 percent organic CBD-infusion of 25 milligrams per ounce and by golly, you have yourself a good day.
Photo: Buddha Bean Coffee
Mary's Nutritionals
Leave it to Mary’s to have an "about" section as told from the POV of the plant. That’s how deep into the culture this brand dives. With a comprehensive array of cannabis goodies, Mary’s is your go-to resource for wellness, relief, and beauty. Not to mention they've got special blends for your dog’s aches and pains, and even your favorite aunt who’s battling cancer. On the premium end of the product spectrum (and often chock full of THC), head to Mary’s when you’re ready to drop some coin on seriously heady, high-end products.
Photo: Mary's Nutritionals
Kikoko CBD Tea
What’s the best way to deal with the chronic pain of being an adult? How about sipping some THC tea during your next trip to the break room? This mood-enhancing, long-lasting delivery system administers 10 milligrams per bag and is easier to make than a bowl of cereal. For a good night’ sleep, try Kikoko's chamomile valerian blend with a delicate 3 milligrams THC and 5 milligrams CBN per dose. If you need something a bit stronger, shout out to Mary’s which offers a 60 milligrams THC echinacea blend that will get your germs so stoned they won’t remember why they even invaded your body in the first place.
Photo: Kikoko Tea
Endoca Chewing Gum
Want to freshen your breath while delivering high-potency CBD into your system? Of course you do. Endoca is made from hemp, so it’s totally legal. Boasting chicle sourced from the Mexican rainforest, and all-natural ingredients, everything about this gum is biodegradable. What’s more professional than taking care of your body, close-talking to co-workers via delicious smelling breath, and doing right by the planet, all while being incredibly discreet about it?
Photo: Endoca
Cannuka Beauty Products
Looking your best goes hand in hand with feeling your best. From silky smooth body lotions to insanely refreshing bar soaps and more, Cannuka combines the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD with the moisturizing magic of Mannuka honey.
Photo: Cannuka
Empower Soaking Salts
After a long day getting your ass kicked by the world, why not chill out and rejuvenate with a relaxing-as-fuck CBD soak? An infusion of essential oils (including bergamot, lavender, and CBD), combined with the exfoliating power of Dead Sea and Himalayan salts will turn your cloud nine float up to cloud eleven. An extra-special THC version is available from select locations in Oregon and Washington, so next time you find yourself in the Pacific Northwest, pick us up a few 16-ounce bags. We promise to pay you back.
Photo: Empower Bodycare