In these troubled times, you have no choice but to be politically aware. You check on the polls, you read the news, and you pretty much have a good idea of how you will vote in the next election. However, you also understand the social contract of keeping your goddamned opinion to yourself. Unfortunately, not everyone you know feels the same. So when you’re hanging out with “friends” and they start bickering over which candidate is the most qualified to be the leader of the free world, you have to check out — not just for your own sanity, but so you don’t kill them. This the story of your inner monologue when your friends get take a deep dive into the presidential debates.
Photo: filadendron (Getty Images)
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Friends Political Debates
Ugh. This again.
Although you can't stop people from having an opinion, you realize you can still judge your head. Which you do while hoping almost anything else occurs so the subject will change.
This can't last long...can it?
I mean, sure, the political debates are kind of a big deal. However, are they a big enough deal to ruin a night out with friends? Yikes.
These idiots will never shut up.
No. Seriously. Neither of them are in politics nor did they study politics. At least you minored in political science so you obviously have the right to judge them.
You can't handle...the truth?
One of them stands up and says, "You don't even know what you're talking about," as if they read your thoughts. It takes everything out of you not to burst into laughter.
Which reminds you of the time...
You got super baked freshman year and went to class, only to get confused that your professor was talking directly at you and you thought that maybe he was reading your mind. He wasn't.
God. Getting baked would be great right about now.
You've pretty much checked out of the conversation. So you might as well check out of life. You could probably leave while these two argue about the merits of Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden without them ever noticing.
I'm out of here.
You stand up to leave. You actually consider asking them if they're coming with you. But they're so involved in their petty argument, they wouldn't even notice, which is good because you're going to go get high and enjoy your life while you still can.