gay couples

Mandatory Staff Picks: Best Movies About Gay Couples

One of the greatest lessons to come out of the LGBTQ+ community’s fight for equality is that love wins. What better way to honor that concept and celebrate Pride Month than by binge-watching the best movies about gay couples? While Hollywood hasn’t been prolifically pumping out the LGBTQ+ love stories as it does with straight ones, the films that have been made featuring gay couples are exceptional. From lovers enjoying their first weekend together and longtime lovebirds raising children to bittersweet reunions and brutal breakups of soulmates, these narratives cover a diverse range of romantic experiences. Cuddle up with your special someone and enjoy these heartfelt depictions of same-sex love.

Cover Photo: Focus Features

Mandatory Staff Picks: TV Shows to Binge in Honor of Pride Month

Memorable moments: ‘It’s Always Sunny’ Holds Off on the Funny in Season 13’s Gay Pride Finale

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