PS4’s Killzone: Shadow Fall is Outpacing All Xbox One Exclusives

While everyone has been busy comparing the hardware side of the PS4 and Xbox One, a software war has been brewing.

Cowen & Co. has released its latest Cowen Video Game Odometer, a report that tallies software pre-orders through NPD and data. It has come up with metrics for measuring demand for upcoming games, several of which are for next-gen. Looking strictly at exclusives the PS4’s premier launch day shooter Killzone: Shadow Fall leads the pack by almost double. Its nearest competition are Forza 5 and Dead Rising 3 for the Xbox One.

Looking at the list you can argue that by large the Xbox One exclusives are performing better pre-launch than PS4 exclusives, but Killzone: Shadow Fall‘s lead is very significant. With three shooters being offered (Call of Duty: Ghosts and Battlefield 4 as well) within the same time frame, it appears that gamers are attracted to the stellar visuals of Killzone. It certainly has proven itself as the most beautiful launch title. Where better to look for a triumphant leap over next-gen hardware?

Below you can see the titles in order along with their ‘Cowen Score’:

  1. Killzone: Shadow Fall – 30.3 (PlayStation 4)
  2. Forza 5 – 18.8 (Xbox One)
  3. Dead Rising 3 – 15 (Xbox One)
  4. Ryse – 13.2 (Xbox One)
  5. Knack – 7.7 (PS4)
  6. Drive Club – 3 (PS4)

Moving outside of the realm of exclusives it becomes apparent that multiplatform titles are by far the most lucrative. Call of Duty: Ghosts, Watchdogs, Grand Theft Auto V, and Battlefield 4 (in that order) lead the list with unparalleled might. Beyond the discrepancy of exclusives, the minor differences between both competing platforms in regards to multiplatform games will likely be a key factor as it was during this generation. It’s yet to be determined which has a leg up in terms of visuals and features, but the PS4’s hardware should prove victorious with the former.


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