What is it Like to Wear Oculus Rift While on a Real Rollercoaster? Amazing, Apparently

It's natural for gamers to wonder what it's like to experience a virtual world that borderlines on feeling real. But what if you could mix the virtual world with that of our own?

An independent developer by the name of Jonathan Forder has created a virtual version of a real rollercoaster. Instead of riding it while sitting in a chair in his office, he decided to take it out for a spin… on the actual rollercoaster.

Phrases such as "holy s***" and "f***********k" can be heard. It must be amazing. View the video above to see it in action.

This is a perfect example of how virtual reality can make something so simple amazing. A 3D game where you ride a rollercoaster would probably be boring, but throwing a VR headset on takes it to new heights, let alone combining the visual dimension with the physical sensation. This has other applications as such an experience could be reproduced without the need for a full length rollercoaster, Disneyland's Star Tours being an example. Welcome to the future.

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