Which WildStar Race Will You Play? Vote in Carbine Studios’ Official Poll

WildStar‘s Early Start is less than two-weeks away. Yes, that means in just days 2014’s biggest MMO will be live and playable. Are you ready to get leveling?

Before you can start leveling you’ll need to make a character. To get an idea of what’s popular, an official pre-release poll has been created by Carbine Studios which is getting thousands of votes per hour. The more people who vote, the better, so feel free to contribute if you know which race you’ll be rolling.

Head over here and vote and/or check out the current results.

Currently, the race distribution looks like this at 1300 votes:

1. Aurin (Exile) – 20%

2. Human (Exile) – 17%

3. Chua (Dominion) – 14%

4. Cassian (Dominion) –  13%

5. ​Mordesh (Exile) – 12%

6. Draken (Dominion) – 10%

7. Granok (Exile) – 7%

8. ​Mechari (Dominion) – 7%

These numbers will change over time as more people, including yourself, contribute to the poll.

Looking at the numbers, it appears that Exile is the more popular faction. However, this will vary from server to server, and for the most part it looks close enough that faction balance shouldn’t be a concern.

We will be publishing which faction and server we’ll be playing on via our Facebook page once the game launches. If you’d like to join the CraveOnline Gaming community and have friendly people to play with, be sure to stay tuned for our announcement.

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