Bonnaroo 2014 Gallery: Jack White

The defining moment of Bonnaroo 2014 took place on Saturday night, when Jack White utterly shamed Kanye’s egomaniacal rant-fest the night before with an astonishingly powerful, sharp set spanning his entire career. There’s a reason our Road to Bonnaroo feature took us to Jack’s mad-scientist laboratory at Third Man Records last week, and the entirety of the Bonnaroo festival audience was witness to it as he immediately tuned in to the collective crowd frequency and played well beyond his scheduled ending time. 

The band entered first and jammed, a swarm of groove that set the mood in a sea of baby blue. Jack entered the fray with his back to the crowd, dancing along with the sound, looking for his entry point, deciding how our journey would begin. Nearly a full minute in, he blasted into the White Stripes gem “Icky Thump,” and within four minutes of improvised lyrics, maniacal laughs and stage-galloping explosive energy there wasn’t a doubt to be found among the ocean of sweaty Bonnaroovians that Jack was anything but lightning unleashed, and we were in for an unforgettable night.

Check out our in-depth video recap right here, and a full gallery of Jack White shots from Bonnaroo 2014 below!

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