1: PC Gaming vs. Console Gaming

The Rivalry
Here it is. The greatest rivalry ever to grace the gaming industry, and it is one that has no foreseeable end. The battle between PC gaming and console gaming is arguably the most important for consumers, as console manufacturers such as Sony and Microsoft strive for parity between their machines and gaming PCs. This is evident from the power of the PS4, which has specs comparable to a mid-to-slightly-below-high-range desktop, a surefire sign that the big names are looking towards PC gaming as a viable threat now more than ever.
After the initial investment has been made there’s no doubt that PC gaming offers much more bang for your buck.
There are pros and cons to both sides of the fence. PC gaming offers a much more powerful experience and benefits from cheaper software, mods and a much wider range of games thanks to the ease in which developers can work with the platform. On the other hand, console gaming is much easier to get into – there are less specs to consider, it’s less complicated for the average Joe/Jill and it can be experienced from the comfort of your own couch (Steam now accommodates for sofa play with Bigscreen mode, though for many this will require an unfathomably large HDMI cable).

PC gaming has received a huge boost in recent years as many have converted to Valve’s Steam service, basking in the wealth of sales, gorgeous visuals and a stronger library of games. But there will always be those who prefer console gaming out of ease, and though many will shake their heads when they see the tremendous sales of the PS4 when PC gaming has never been cheaper to jump on board with, and will inevitably outshine the current console generation’s specs in a couple of years time.
The Winner
Always one step ahead of the curve, it is difficult to fathom a time when PC gaming won’t best console gaming on mostly all levels. Though there’s definitely a place for both in the industry, and console gaming is still the go-to option for those who can’t be bothered with the hassle of building themselves a rig, after the initial investment has been made there’s no doubt that PC gaming offers much more bang for your buck, and a more extensive range of software to boot. PC gaming master race wins.