Peanuts, X-Men Casting and Faulty Games on Most Craved

If it’s Thursday, it must be Most Craved. Every week we dissect all the latest entertainment news and trends and try to get to the meat of what really matters. Why do we care about the latest trailers? What do the latest casting rumors really mean? And what the heck are gamers thinking about, anyway?

This week on Most Craved

New X-Men Casting Rumors

20th Century Fox is reportedly looking to cast younger actors to play Cyclops and Jean Grey in X-Men: Apocalypse. What does that mean for the franchise as a whole? Is the timeline as broken as ever? And are the actors rumored to be up for the roles big enough names that audiences can assume these characters will play big roles in the upcoming sequel?

Watch the New ‘Peanuts’ Trailer

The first Peanuts movie in 35 years is finally coming in 2015, but does this new trailer really look like Peanuts? The animation style may or may not be perfect, but what of Snoopy taking pleasure in electrocuting Woodstock? Is that in-keeping with the original tone of the classic comic strip, or are we making mountains out of molehills? 

World of Warcraft: Lords of Draenor Borderline Unplayable

World of Warcraft: Lords of Draenor is just the latest in a long line of eagerly anticipated video games that debuted with bugs and/or server issues. Is this trend ruining the release of top flight video games? Should gaming studios be held accountable for releasing products that actually work the day that they’re released? And will gamers ever stop coming out to midnight releases when there’s a high probability that the game they’re actually there to buy won’t work?



Most Craved has the answers, or at least it’s asking the right questions. Keep the debate going all week long by following your hosts at @MostCraved@JennaBusch@WilliamBibbiani, and @SilasLesnick

We’ll be back next week with more trends and more controversies, courtesy of CraveOnlineLegion of Leia and Coming Soon


William Bibbiani is the editor of CraveOnline’s Film Channel and the host of The B-Movies Podcast and The Blue Movies Podcast. Follow him on Twitter at @WilliamBibbiani.

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