Spotify Comes to PS4 with PlayStation Music

Spotify will be coming to the PS4. PS3 and Xperia smartphones and tablets through PlayStation Music, as the streaming service has cut a deal with Sony.

The service, which allows users to browse through and listen to a huge library of music, will be making its way to the platforms in the spring as part of Sony’s new PlayStation Music app. The app will spell the end for the company’s Music Unlimited service, which will close on March 29th, 2015. Those with active subscriptions will receive free access to the service from February 28th, 2015 until the service’s end date.

On PS4 players will be able to have Spotify running in the background, providing the soundtrack to whatever game they’re playing. The system works by linking your existing PSN account with your Spotify account, though it will only be available to Spotify Premium subscribers. Those who only use the free version of Spotfy with limited playback and commercials will not be able to use the streaming service on the Sony platforms.

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In a blog post on the official PlayStation site, Sony Network Entertainment vice-president Eric Lempel wrote: We know how important music is to our community of gamers, and this partnership combines the best in music with the best in gaming. PlayStation Network users will enjoy the convenience of linking your accounts to Spotify, making it easy to sign-up with your existing ID and subscribe to Spotify’s Premium service.

“You can also use Spotify while playing games on PS4, enabling you to soundtrack your gaming sessions with your favorite songs in the background. Want something heavy and rocking for an intense Destiny Raid? How about some old school hip hop while taking the field in Madden NFL? With more than 30 million songs and 1.5 billion playlists, Spotify on PlayStation Music has it covered. As we get closer to launch we look forward to telling you about some of the other great features that will be available exclusively through Spotify on PlayStation Music.”

This is an excellent deal for Sony, and an even better one for PS4 owners who will now be able to listen to an extensive library of music while they play their sweet, sweet vidya games.

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