Aussie Football Codes Unite For #TeamEqual Marriage Equality Advert

Australia’s major football codes the AFL, NRL and Football Federation Australia have shown their support for marriage equality by taking out a full page advertisement in the Weekend Australian this Saturday, backed by the hashtag #TeamEqual.

The ad, which can be seen in full below, features former rugby league player and coach Paul Langmack — who represented rugby league as part of the Anti-Homophobia in Sport float at Sydney’s Mardi Gras in March — saying:

“On and off the field we support and stand by our mates. These sporting codes unanimously stand for fairness, believing all Australians should be treated fairly and equally in the eyes of the law.”

In a statement, Australian Marriage Equality has praised the codes for their support. The organisation’s National Director, Rodney Croome, says, “Just as these three football codes are working together to achieve marriage equality, we hope our federal politicians will work together to deliver marriage equality this year.

“Regardless of code, football is about fundamental Australian values like equal opportunity, respect and a fair go, and so is marriage equality.

“From small businesses to local councils, churches and now major sporting codes, Australians from all walks of life are sending a clear message that they value fairness and equality, and want this reflected in a law allowing same-sex couple to marry.”

Well put. 

#TeamEqual Marriage Equality Advertisement (Via Australian Marriage Equality)

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