German High Schoolers Hire Stripper For Graduation Party In Classroom

I’ll be honest: Had I known that this is what was waiting for me at the end of the year, I would have cared a substantial amount more about Earth Science.

According to the Daily Mail, students set to graduate from Luitpold-Gymnasium in Munich told their teachers a woman named Jarly was coming to their in-classroom graduation party this week to speak about equal rights, but it turned out the only thing that was equal in her presentation was the amount of time each student’s face spent between her jugs.

That’s right, kids. The students pulled one over on their teachers and hired a stripper for their party:

German High Schoolers Hire Stripper For Graduation Party In Classroom

Don’t worry if you don’t speak German and couldn’t understand what the reporter was saying in the video, as the image of a mostly naked woman coming into the classroom to give students lappers is pretty much self-explanatory.

The craziest part of the story? You guessed it: Once the teachers realized their classroom had been transformed into a tit bar, they let the show go on because everybody present was an adult.

In a related story, officials at Luitpold-Gymnasium should prepare for a record number of applicants next year.

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