Funny Bar Signs From Instagram

Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody’s gonna die. Come have a beer.

An uncanny amount of these funny bar signs have really good drawings and beautiful fonts. It must be because art majors can only get jobs as waiters. Well, it was either this or drawing penises on social media so they could’ve faired worse. If you don’t know, this is a re-work on a quote from Rick and Morty, which you should definitely watch.

A post shared by Caleb Ripp (@calebripp) on

We have beer as cold as your ex’s heart and just as cheap.

This is textbook marketing. Funny beer signs like this won’t just make you chuckle, they will make you buy the whole round and recommend the bar online.

3D Tinder.

While funny bar signs state 3D Tinder that doesn’t mean you can show your dick to girls randomly like you do on the app.

If you don’t understand this meme you probably never saw a cat in your life. The rundown is that cats are assholes, they would push their offspring of the table if they could. Actually, they probably do that already.

A post shared by Mary C Bruno (@brunopress) on

I can drink before noon because the Beastie Boys fought for that sort of thing.

It occurs to us that some of the younger readers don’t get the reference so listen to the song and off to the bar you go!

Which of these funny bar signs would make you check out the place?

After Finishing Your Bar Run You’ll Need Something To Battle the Hangover – Party Memes.

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